Thursday, September 29, 2005

Google Rumors and a Wild Theory

Historical Background: A lot has been said recently about Google's little forays into the wifi market. First it was a rumor, and now it's confirmed (it's, watch out for the ad). Of course, this has already produced some interesting ideas (Russell Shaw's) about Google's intentions for this experiment. There's a lot more than just those ideas rolling around, but I don't have any more links handy. You get the idea, Google is up to something interesting.

That leads me to my own Wild Theory. I think that Google is on to something major here. Not just a fancy way to show us more ads. See, there's this talk (expect Flash) by Adam Bosworth, the Vice President of Engineering at Google. In that talk he mentions that mobile voip phones will soon become pervasive (about halfway through slide 3 he says, "as mobile-voip phones suddenly become pervasive"). That's true, and not just because he said it. So that made me think.

See, mobile voip phones use the internet (via wifi) to handle all that talking we do. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Current versions of such phones can use normal cell networks too, but if free Google wifi is everywhere, why pay for Cingular? I think that Google has the potential to provide both internet access and mobile telecommunications for free (the opportunities for targeted marketing would certainly provide needed revenue). They did just release Google Talk as you recall. This would, of course, kill the telecos (which is great, because they're making us pay through the nose for something that is, essentially, a commodity like water).

So that's my Wild Theory. It's based on hard facts and thin air. Tell all your friends.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Google confirms it's testing wireless service

So the rumors are true. I would support Google WiFi in my area. (CNET report thanks to my Dad).

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Art of Link Requests

Absolutely excellent advice from the Search Engine Watch forums. And I quote...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Top Three Trends in Search Engine Marketing

I am, of course, referring to some recently released good reading from Marketing Sherpa. The full title of the report is "Top Three Search Marketing Trends to Watch in 2006". Here's my take in case you wanted it:

"Trend #1. Search Engines as TV Networks Jockeying for Audience"

This one seems straight forward enough. In fact, I'd call it less of a trend and more of an inevitability. There's money to be made and the size of the pot is directly proportional to the size of the audience. After all, they only get paid when we click...

"Trend #2. SEO Still a Tiny Portion of Total Search Marketing Spend"

I guess the trend here is two-fold: A. Firms will continue to spend a ton of money on paid-search (which is great, since they'll still need people like me to manage their campaigns). B. Firms will finally start spending more on SEO (which is great, because my co-workers do that).

On that note, I'd like to say that I find it very funny that the group that is most interested in SEO right now is also the group that stands to gain the least from it. Sure, a dedicated individual can make some pretty good money online if they've got what it takes. Good rankings can pay the bills. But for 'Giant Corporation A' good rankings could pay for a lot more than that. Like a new Leer jet. Executives of America take notice! You are losing money everyday that you aren't working with a high-quality SEO vendor to better your rankings. (If you're interested, let me know.)

"Trend #3. Search Marketing, A New Application for Press Releases"

Now that Marketing Sherpa has come out and said that press releases are good for SEO I think that this little trend will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. As with all SEO tactics, this one will have its day and then will be left behind, a smoking pile of search engine refuse. Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts.

In conclusion, read the executive summary (PDF).

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Back to Internet Retail!

After a rather long absence I have returned to this blog (again). As usual, I have a good excuse: I was hired on by the rapidly expanding internet marketing firm eMergent Marketing. Since they are based in Cleveland, OH, I had some moving to do. Needless to say, that took some time and separated me from my precious internet connection for a couple weeks. Fortunately, I now have a cable connection to make up for it (much faster than my last place).

Despite my neglectful blogging behavior, I am still keeping up with my internet industry news and information. One site that I recently discovered, (thanks to a certain co-worker) and would highly recommend, is Quality work there. They even have a real-paper magazine, which tells you something.

If you're into PPC advertising, I suggest you take a gander at their current cover story "Making Paid Search Pay Off". It is an excellent article.

Ah, it's good to be back.